Benefits from using genuine Alfa Laval Spare Parts
Maintaining your process equipment in good working order is the key to productivity. By servicing them on a regular basis and using genuine Alfa Laval Spare Parts, you ensure peak performance and minimize the risk of unscheduled production stops.
ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ 2023-11-28Spare Parts with proven high quality and performance
For getting the most out of your Alfa Laval equipment, Alfa Laval recommends using genuine Spare Parts only. They keep your equipment operating with optimal performance, they minimize downtime and they extend performance lifetime.
Extensive investigations comparing the condition of conventional spare parts to genuine Alfa Laval Spare Parts - intended as replacements in Alfa Laval equipment - reveal the unmatched quality of genuine Alfa Laval Spare Parts.
Using genuine Alfa Laval Spare Parts pays off
Using non-Alfa Laval spare parts and services, not matching the original specifications for your Alfa Laval equipment can put worker safety, the environment, your property and equipment at risk. In addition, the cost of using non-Alfa Laval spare parts and services can have a significant – and unexpected – impact your operating and maintenance budget.
Case stories
These case stories demonstrate the effects and risks when using non-Alfa Laval spare parts in Alfa Laval equipment.
Extending performance with the Alfa Laval 360° Service Portfolio
Our extensive service portfolio offers all the services you need to ensure top performance,
maximum uptime and operating efficiency from your Alfa Laval equipment throughout its life cycle. Our team of experts and the availability of parts bring you peace of mind.
Benefits from using genuine Alfa Laval Spare Parts
- Reliable performance
- Maximum uptime
- Prolonged maintenance intervals
- Extended equipment lifetime
- Reduced operating and maintenance costs
Alfa Laval plates make a big difference
When comparing performance of non-genuine plates to Alfa Laval plates, it was revealed that non-Alfa Laval plates are manufactured with less precision and lower quality.
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How to avoid corrosion and cracking of plates
Two plate heat exchangers suffered from corrosion and cracking as a result of using non-Alfa Laval adhesives. New plates, gaskets and glue had to be purchased.
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Effects and risks of using non-Alfa Laval gaskets
An investigation for evaluating non-original gasket quality revealed that they are manufactured with less precision and lower quality than genuine Alfa Laval gaskets.
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Cracking up under strain
An Alfa Laval plate heat exchanger was regasketed with non-Alfa Laval gaskets. Short after, leakages were detected in conjunction with over 50% of the plates. All plates and gaskets had to be replaced.
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Leaking throughout the plate pack
All plates in an Alfa Laval plate heat exchanger were regasketed with non-Alfa Laval gaskets. Shortly after, leakage was detected. Examinations revealed poor quality of the non-Alfa Laval parts.
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